Applied Arts Magazine Awards 2005

Applied Arts Magazine, Canada’s premiere design and advertising magazine has bestowed a prestigious Applied Arts Award for Institutional Poster to Emdoubleyu Design for its commemorative poster for the 2004 National AGM of the Society of Graphic Designers of Canada. This is a significant award because it is based on creative merit and technical execution. It is judged on the effectiveness in presenting the desired concept or message. The way the piece will be used is a factor in how effective the design is. The competition is unique in Canada in that winning pieces are not ranked.

Matt Warburton of Emdoubleyu Design says “this is an award that designers love to get because it reflects the essence of design: effective communications, it’s what graphic design is all about. If it’s meaningful communications, judges will see that.” He believes “design in Canada is well beyond being a beauty contest,” he says, “More and more consumers now recognize effective design even if they don’t always know specifically why it works.”

To see the poster (and those from other years), click here.

For more information contact:

Lynn Warburton at Emdoubleyu Design

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