Lotus Awards 2004

Emdoubleyu Design has received a coveted Lotus Merit Award in the Miscellaneous Print category for Documents & Dreams, a powerful catalogue of a photojournalism exhibit by Canadian photographers. Designer, Matt Warburton says,“The subjects range from the bizarre to the disturbing but each photo is a compelling story of human determination. The design had to be very clean to balance the complex stories in the photos yet provide structure to link the diverse subjects for the exhibit.” The exhibit was the launched by the burgeoning photojournalist group, Narrative 360, who have recently held their second exhibit focusing on 4 photographers who have been working in Afghanistan. The exhibit ran in October 2004 at UBC Robson Square.

One of the many compelling images is a picture of preschool native girl on a broken chesterfield on a roadblock in Oka, Quebec. Above her on the couch is a burnt out police car and a line of First Nations militants on the horizon. While the photojournalists are Canadian, the subjects are from all over the world, El Salvador, Japan, Thailand and beyond.

Narrative 360 Director, Christopher Grabowski said,” Matt used the passion behind each photo to give continuity to deliver graphic clarity to the catalogue. The design worked with the photos, it didn’t compete with them.”

To see the catalogue, click here.

For further information, please contact:

Lynn Warburton
Emdoubleyu Design
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